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1:48:00 They made sure the Manchu Shang dynasty of China was no more and effectively came to an end after 268 years with the abdication of Emperor puy in favor of the Republic of China, which is now considered the new khazaria. Therell be no surrender. They were gaming this thing now, and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade compared to the gate simulation. I dont have the right to have a cake baked the way I want. This Khazarian Mafia have morphed once again. But they dont. Because Oh no, you need to wear a mask of physical therapy. And thats whats going to come. If youve not read it, you must read Thomas Sol Thomas Sol those two hi consult my bed my. And the fact of the matter is, Ive said this, with the infiltration of the Chinese students in here in the United States, most people dont come out and say this, but they know my show, I dont give a shit. They didnt have free market? I said well, I the whole point is I cant wear one He says why tell you what now heres where those of you who have been paying attention are going to really hit the floor will let you in without a mask if you get vaccinated. Im not talking about violence. Any preacher that would would I would not walk into a church and required mass Id never go there again. Youre living in bondage. And at the main entrance there in La Jolla. Madonna calls their vaccine Madonna operating system. You know, there you can donate to the cause if you like Im also a donor to revolution radio myself. I think I mentioned here last week that we are in a state here in Texas where the governor for whatever reason decided he was going to pull back the reins on this insanity. listening to these people, or to you around and tell you how you have to live your life. What else would there be? In other words, they cant say, Oh, well, the governor is going to have legislative power for a little while. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. And theyre sending out their hacks from law enforcement, who have never heard of Sheriff Mack that ever learned what their true responsibility is as a peace officer to protect and serve who the criminals, the mayors, the legislators, the people that issue these unlawful iidx which is unconstitutional. theyre easier to hurt as animals because thats all they become. Embed . My name is Scott McKay. thats the harshest thing. TuneIn Logo TuneIn Logo Home Search Local Radio Recents Trending Music Sports News & Talk Podcasts By Location By Language Sign In Sign Up 1:11:35 hosty tagi Media adviser sums it up. You know where you can go? You just nailed it. Bear with me. They have a lot of military agents in colleges around this country, hundreds of 1000s of theyre trained by a Chinese army. And I thought, What do you mean, this is why I already was angry with the federal government been around now Im really ticked. Patriot Streefighter, Scott McKay The Tipping Point Radio Host . These are people that have true beliefs and principles. So anyways, if youve been following this, this show in this movement, this is the show where we ended up launching patriot Street Fighter on YouTube channel. He does he live in Los Angeles around Encino? Sure enough when I walk in, shes got two pairs of gloves on her hands, two masks and one of those welder shield looking things. Gates co conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, which is responsible for the great reset. 45:09 Follow Scott Video Broadcasting Networks Watch the Patriot Street Fighter in action as Scott McKay conducts stellar interviews while providing LIVE coverage of current-events & uncovers how it all ties to The Great Awakening! We know who we are, we know in our gut what liberty is. do. He would find a way to get it on the air no matter how new the play-by-play person was or what surprises happened at the game site. For some of you Its gonna take a little bit longer for you to realize this and know exactly this is what these people do. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. And its not required. So as far as all of our listeners out there, we bring an array of topics to you things that we like to share with you about whats really going on out here in the world. Listen, I. I know that the Christian church grew most of that was under persecution. Its the way their mind gets wired. Not this guy cuz I Im here now Im the big boy in the block. Somebody somebody just mentioned that to me, theyre going to help with that. We know what Liberty tastes like, we know what liberty is about. 1:49:25 So but the thing is, thats ultimately what its about because they want to hurt you. no shirt, no masks, no shoes, no service. And the reason it exists folks, or even voices like mine that can come as hard and as fast as we bring it is because this platform is privately funded by you the listener, we have a worldwide reach and worldwide donors. Broadcasting Coshocton's local news, high school sports, and contemporary adult music. Thats the only reason why theyre not afraid. what a great time to teach him. But they set a date that the 10th of March, people would not have to wear masks anymore. Look at the landscape of the nation. Alan Meyers okay. And so here we are. You have to police come in here, theyre gonna find your 500 or whatever I said, then Ill wait for the police. look at when theres conflict. 1 month ago 1.31.23 Patriot Streetfighter Freelance . Who could possibly imagine that big pharma would do any such thing? Anyways, this kazarian bat these kazarian banking elites took over on 12 February 1912. You mean like the human trafficking operation, child sex trafficking, kidnapping of The United Nations, you mean those NGOs and all the other ones? They have to control the message. Im going to go bankrupt. And Ive been digging through some information that I want to bring to your attention. 42. And we have a pretty good idea what it will do to us. 1:09:09 But thats a lot of people back in the 70s 60s 50 6070. Again, they just come right out and say it ask it Yeah, should we just control these people? They created this outpost called Israel Bolshevik outpost because theyre in mafia, not the Israeli people, not the good people. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter Shortly before the COVID outbreak, gates, and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a tabletop simulation of a worldwide pandemic known as event 201. Constitution Association has been a nonprofit since 2015. Because theyre self serving. We know at this end does. As always, why dont like seatbelt laws? Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? Look, Ive said this on the show a number of times. And the lawsuit if you want to read the lawsuit, you can go to constitution Association comm we have a PDF of it. I stick it on top, my head like a welders mask flipped up for I dont know, about 30 seconds, put my stuff in my cart, walked over to the counter. The River has been his home over 14 years and he loves waking you up every morning. And you know, he actually acquiesced to the point I was making. Not surprising, JFK was assassinated just the following year. Oddly, gates now claims oddly and that the simulation didnt occur. And I said, I dont have to have one on I said, if you want to get a manager to talk to me, thats fine. Whats very harsh so a guy like Scott McKay Joe lunch bucket, nobody from nowhere, is very aware that theres 800,000 children per year, every year, year in year out, being taken off the streets, stolen, kidnapped, pumped into a child satanic ritual abuse, sex trafficking, brutal torture sodomy murder machine and car cannibalism machine in this country. As usual, theyre always forking cowards, theyre cowards. They never closed their doors. Scumbags beware! Thank You! All along. They have to control the narrative. Just a battle a week and a half ago on this as the SS taken a whole year to get to this point. Are schizophrenics actually possessed by demons? My wife works in retail she has to wear to work, otherwise she doesnt work and we need and we need the income. This is a guy that shows up with a badge and hes going to use it. Im talking about fighting with your voice and standing up letting these people know that you are done with this bullshit you are done. I was as a kid, I was an advanced reader and I started reading about this stuff, learn about stuff. So I have decided based on the risk assessment in my life, not to wear what, thats what liberty is about. They want the money. They invert everything right down to the cross. And because youre not standing up in a coordinated fashion where you have a billion people with 2 billion eyeballs the laser beaming right at them, which then lets them know that their end is near. These avances role played members of the pandemic control council Wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. While he is from New England originally, he loves Da Bears and can route for both . Its time to take this war to a higher level. Just go watch the video. Gates event 201 script imagines vast anti vaccine riots triggered by internet posts. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . So everybody stands up says, okay, weve had enough of this bullshit. former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to flood the zone with propaganda from trusted sources, including influential community leaders as well as health workers unquote. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. Microsoft founder shell gates, organized an exercise of for tabletop simulations of a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, with other high ranking deep state. Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. If you have not watched that video from Friday, which I believe was the 18th or the 19th. revolution radio with scott mckay. That month. And he said, Well, then you have to wear a shield. And he would put COVID in jail here because COVID past March the 10th wasnt allowed to be dangerous. She wont wear a mask, you wont endanger herself. And it confirmed what Ive been saying for over a year based on Gordon dust research. No kidding. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. But guess what the final thing is there on the list be active, we got to make sure were very active. Their unprincipled stand is gone. Intel Warriors. Theres an attack catch document here which Im just gonna read the summary here, but this attacks document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed, begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019. a week or two before COVID began circulating. an edict is something that does not hold the force of law, because they cant make law. And if youd like to do snail mail like my dad would do. I got my be here, that screeching noise I got the arm of my chair rubbing on my desk because I move around and squirm a lot. in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/113983/domains/toragrafix.com/html/wp-content . But, well, heres the thing, they gave us a template. Thats why they push socialist ideas. theres a theres a window here, and I dont want anybody to get left behind your strengths. And think about how to make it better. So I cant wear him. Coshocton, Ohio. There. And this is something specifically through social media that has spread. There will be no white flag coming up is different. And in fact, in vaccines, he recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies, when quote rumors were actually spreading, that theyre shoddily tested products, quote, are causing deaths. Following a career that spans three decades in print and broadcast journalism,WTNSs Ken Smailes is transitioning from the News Director position he has held atWTNS for 25 years. Executives through iidx is not a law. Found 1 colleague at Wildwood Music. Another one, Matthew Harrington Adelman CEO observes that the internet, which ones promised the decentralization and democratization of information now needs to be centralized? NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. They may issue quarantine policy regarding individuals on a case by case basis, but they have no authority to order a county wide shelter in place law. It has to be done in numbers. Donald W Mckay (age 78) is listed at 557 Cambridge Rd Coshocton, Oh 43812 and is affiliated with the Democratic Party. which created which? And I its a weakness that I have. But it might be Sal Myers forenza. 1:26:31 Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. 1:45:01 Lets say we fast forwarded, or lets lets go back to the future. Now and I dont blame a lot of these people because because theyre just theyre just doing what theyre told theyre young and they want to keep their job and I get it but nonetheless thats how ridiculous the I was just doing what I was told thing is going on when it comes to this. 0. My record is I need to get in Guinness as the most strikes and the most YouTube channels that have been taken down. Send us a message on Facebook. Imagine that this is what we want to offer the enemy. Before people have enough its inevitable. My rights dont end where your fears begin. Theyve had enough. God creates us Gods pretty much in control here are the 10 commandments. Mario. Also, thank you for fixing the pipe leakages in my bathroom. Podcast by:https://scottmckay.us Initiative Q (Better than Bitcoin?)