Lincoln: >in thought< Hmmm I think I should call it "Godzilla: Kolossal Kaiju Kombat", no, that's not gonna work, maybe "Godzilla: Kaiju Wars" , no, that's too obvious, oh I know, "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" yes, that's got a nice ring to it. So I am coming home for the weekend, Luna says she got band practice for the weekend so she can play for the talent show so she won't be able to help you, and I did tell Mom that I was coming home to get you and help you with your project, oh and I did tell Mom to take our dad and siblings over to Aunt Ruth's for the weekend as well because you know how Dad is with me coming back home, and it's total chaos with so many sisters climbing up to me. After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. (As Lincoln got off the bus along with his sisters, Lincoln went up to his room to do some research on some of the Godzilla kaiju that he will be adding to his game, he looked up Godzilla's atomic breath, King Ghidorah's gravity beams, and MechaGodzilla's finger missles, and etc., once he got done researching, he filled in the notes for each of the Kaiju's powers and weapons, then he took the opportunity to watch some clips of the classic Godzilla films on DVD such as "Mothra vs. Godzilla" (1964), "Ghidorah: The Three headed monsters" (1964), "Godzilla vs. Hedorah" (1971) "Godzilla vs. Gigan" (1972) and "Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla" (1974) to study each of the monsters powers, he then recorded those clips with with phone and got good videos on it, he saved them all for later and couldn't wait to try out those moves on his game, soon Lincoln went straight to bed, but only when--). Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) Lana went up the stairs leaving Lincoln alone to deal with Lynn. (The class was confused as they couldn't figure out the answer). (Ms. Merdich gave Lincoln a hug and Lincoln hugs her back, they both release thier hug and Ms. Merdich gave their grades to to other students, it then cuts to Ms. Merdich and Rob Paulsen on Ms. Merdich's shoulder as she packs up her belongings). This is Fanfiction #7. Credit goes to Harburton81 and Lokibaker for dialogue support. Now as they still live in the Loud House, they find their food sources limiting but luck turns to them and with the help of Lucy, invites them to a secret vampire cafe. Girl student one: I think I should do a game where you play as the doctor. (Lincoln's classmates are happy to hear the news). Lynn: It turns out making a videogame wasn't my strength. (It then cuts to the last student's game presentation of the Ace Savvy fan game made by Chandler who's desgins of Ace himself are atrocious, he fights one of ace's bad guys and the entire class cringed at the game , once the game was over, Chandler exits the game and pulls his flash drive out of the computer, Ms. Merdich was not pleased with his game). - No, Lincoln, I shall apologize. Lisa: Perhaps I have lost my apatite for that un-humorous joke. Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. From there, Lincoln spent the rest of his day with a big smile plastered on his face. Lincoln: Sweet, I knew I had the right idea to add these characters in. Please! It made Lynn caugh and cry. Lincoln then woke up in his bedroom with Lori. Lincoln: Oh, that's right, now my homework assignment is that I need to do some animations for my characters. Carmen De La Antchez and her husband Paco run a restaurant in the town called Carmen's Cocina. (A mouse then touches Lincoln as he gets digitized into a computer world where he sees digitized versions of his friends). I didn't know I could pull this off! - Do you remember what we trained? Luna took tube of the salve and rubbed bruised bodies of all her 4 siblings with it. Lincoln: > to Ms. Merdich< Thank you Ms. Merdich. I have enough of this. Lori: It's a good thing>grunting while lifting a scanner< Carol let me borrow her scannerfor the weekend untilyou'redone! Lincoln: Absolutely, so I think I should be able to do an Ace Savvy fighting videogame and it's going to be the greatest game I've ever played. It's been over two years since the last time I reviewed a show requested by him, and at the time he went by the username Pikafan2000. (Chandler sighed as Ms. Merdich wrote two checkmarks on Chandlers name on the discipline list). Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< You don't have to be more open to his interests, but you can at least try to be more respectful. So, in utter boredom, he just laid on his bed, hoping for something to happen. Lincoln: Have you been snooping on me while I was watching some Godzilla movies? - I took Oh! The family took her in and raised her as one of their own. The scene of their fight is partially based on titular fight in film Batman Vs Superman. Lynn Sr.: >offscreen< Kids, dinner, it's Meatball Monday! Chandler: >whispers to his friends< More like Lamezilla if you ask me! - Lincoln said with anger - This will make you remember. Rita: >to Lincoln< If Lori was here, she would have been proud of you! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Are you crazy?! Clyde: Relax Lincoln, maybe you can tell Ms. Merdich that you haven't figured out how to program the game yet, she'll understand! Mr. Coconuts: If you ask me, I thought the game was loads of fun. Lori: So it'll be just the two of us, I'll be in charge of you until Sunday night when I go back to Fairway. She must now adjust to a life surrounded by a society of entomophobic humans as she attends Middlington Middle, It's time for my first journal of the new year, and what better way to start than with "Forgotten Cartoons"? Also, nothing nothing against Clyde, but I'm glad to see Lincoln and Lori bonding without him. Despite my good intentionsI became what I tried to protect you from, a bully. (When Lori got their food out of the bag, she checked if there was a cheese burger and she got the biggest burger for Lincoln, she dropped it by Lincoln and they were surprised that this was as big as Charles, Charles too a big look at it and begged, Lori scolded him). Ms. Merdich: Okay then, let's review your math assignments, >pulls out math book< if I divide about twelve oranges out of two, what would i have now? He chooses to leave. Lori: WellLuna said you got a project to do right? Mr. Bolhofner: >to Lincoln< Well Loud, I'm impressed, you've got guts kid, maybe you do have what it takes to be a future game programmer or desginer one day. (Later at class, Lincoln and his classmates were in the temporary classroom with Ms. Merdich, as they were done reading a few chapters of "Hatchet"). Lincoln: Thanks for the advice Stella, I can't wait. (The family graons at her bad joke, they continued to eat). Lincoln: >annoyed< Great, now it's a Bolhofner MechaGodzilla. - Lynn was shocked - Couldn't you just tell me I go too far? Bohofner MechaGodzilla: >to Lincoln< Loud >beep beep< You deserve to be in lunch for attacking your teacher. Clyde: Unless if Lori comes back to help you again. "Lincoln please don't cry," Lori said. What would you do? The other characters in this fanfic will not be introduced until next chapter. Clyde: So, what's your homework assignment now? (Once Lincoln got on the bus, he decided that he can't do a sports themed game because he doesn't know anything about sports, he then tries to think of a Muscle fish theme game, but it turns out that he didn't want to make one because there was already too much Muscle fish games out there, Lincoln and the other sisters got off the bus and they went inside the house, most of the sisters started they're usual activities, Luna even sees him in a disappointed, Luna stops him from coming upstairs). Ms. Merdich: So keep on playing guys, I'll see you next time, good luck on your future! Rob: >Squawk< little Shelia, little Shelia! Lynn Sr.: This calls for a celebration, I'll order Pizza for the family. Chandler Ghidorah: >middle head< Well well well, >right head< if it isn't my arch enemy, >left head< ready for our match? Lincoln didn't really want to cut off Lynn's ponytail he just wanted to scare her. In this robot chicken fanfic sketch, Lincoln Loud dies and meets Gregg the grim reaper from Conker's Bad Fur Day and the video game's remake Conker: Live and Reloaded. (Lincoln and the three other dream monsters were amazed that it was a robotic version of Mr. Bolhofner as MechaGodzilla). (The class turns around and the camera cuts to). Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Zip it, mark my words Chandler, that's two checks for you, one more and you are out of my class and straight to the office you go. (Lincoln was getting dizzier and dizzier by the moment, until he screamed at the top of his lungs, he then wakes up into reality, he looks around and knows that he is safe in his room and looks at the picture of his sisters, a tear sheds in his eye knowing that Lori isn't here to comfort him right now, he decides not to intrude into any of his sisters rooms, because he didn't felt like sharing a room with a sibling, like the last time he did with Lynn and Lucy, he then hugs Bun bun and went back to sleep, unknown to him, a door was open and someone climbed into bed with him, the next morning Lincoln woke up and noticed that Leni was sleeping next to him). Rita: >to Lincoln< Are you sure you don't want to do an Ace Savvy game? Ms. Merdich: Sorry 'bout that mate, that's Aussie slang for little lady. (Lincoln unzips his backpack and grabbed his drive), (All of Lincoln's friends gazed into the flash drive, he was excited to present his game to the class). Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade. (Lincoln and the class were still confused). Don't become what you fight against. (Lincoln goes on his phone for a good picture of Godzilla, he selects the one he likes and shows Lori a Godzilla picture he liked). Lincoln and Lana went outside and walked towards the city centre. Lori: Sounds like you had a dream huh buddy? Principal Ramirez: And speaking of projects, don't your students have something to share? Lincoln: Lori, what are you doing picking me up from school today? Girls student one: But my names not Shelia! 1049 - A bit dark there. Ronnie Anne Santiago: It's fine, just giving you comfortable in case you have trouble of sleeping. Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. LUNA: I'll try talking to him again, you guys. - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. "Though I had a nightmare where you told me the host of Arggh retired.". Ms. Merdich: Good question, I originate from what is New South Whales which is the land down under, you know, Australia, my home is in Albert, I lived there for eighteen years from my childhood to my high school years, and I've came to America to be a teacher, it took me four years of college and know here I am, and this is my fourth year as a teacher, and I'm very happy to be here, but I do miss home though. Put your head back on, do you want us to get stung by a jellyfish!" She yelled. - Luna explained - Besides I know Lincoln well enough to be sure he wouldn't go that far and feel no remorse for what could have been. It made Lynn more annoyed as she heard Lincoln's laugh. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Deserve credit, deserve credit! Lynn Sr.: It's too bad we didn't see her much! I figured I might as well check it out finally. I fear myself because I know I am able to cause this. (The class started groaning as they got out their pencils and paper, most of them did not miss Mr. Bolhofner because of how strict and messed up he is, but Chandler though, he wanted to pick on Lincoln some more, he then grabs a straw from his backpack, and starts chewing on a small piece of paper to make a spitball, he then tries to shoot Lincoln one, but right on time, Rob Paulsen swooped down and swiped the straw with his beak). Ms. Merdich: No worries, I will always remember you, so I'll come back when Principal Ramirez needs me to sub for me, but for now, there is another school that needed me, because another teacher is going to be out for a while because she is having a baby. - If you knew, you wouldn't get used to surprise attacks. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Luna: She was great at doing it, she got an A+ on it when she started middle school. (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. - answered Lincoln with a tired tone. Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Well done Lincoln, well done. One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. - Lincoln explained. Lincoln: No, it's not Lynn this time, the Hof is off for a few months and left us with a new substitute teacher in charge, she's super nice and comes from Australia. "Sometimes people retire for one reason or another but, you did see his final episode and enjoyed it right," Lori said. (Then another flying monster appears alongside Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni, this creature had Luna's head with a body of a pterosaur-like creature). Lincoln: Sorry Clyde, Ms. Merdich gave me a homework assignment for two weeks and it's due next Friday, and I got to present it to the class. - Lincoln yelled - Are you so blind that you don't see you hurt me? Leni: Oh, that's totes fun, I hope you will be as good as Lori, though I still miss her. LENI: Good luck, Luna. (While Lori dialed for pizza, she placed her order, when she gets done, she asks Lincoln again). Ms. Merdich: Now class, I will return your math tests that you all did last week, most of you did well, but for others, you need to improve your grades. Australian teacher: >to Lincoln< That's right mate, only for the time being, >to class< Crikey, excuse me mates, Where are my manners? Lincoln: I guess you do have a point, I have been working on those since Lori left and-- >checks the clock on his laptop, it was 9:42 pm< Oh my gosh Luna, I need to hit the hay, goodnight Luna! Lynn Sr.: I really didn't know what was wrong with him, but I did hear that he had a mental breakdown. Lincoln: Wow, that's cool, I wonder who your next opponent is? got any bright idea's? (Then he writes them down on his character topics, he writes down "Godzilla", "Anguirus", "Rodan", "Mothra", "King Ghidorah", "Hedorah", "Gigan" and "MechaGodzilla", soon the bell rang, and everyone was glad they got done in time). - Then why didn't you just tell me this? I gotta say, I never thought I'd be reviewing a show made by Klasky-friggin'-Csupo as a FORGOTTEN cartoon. Chapter 1: The path of darkness. Ms. Merdich: Well done Riley, you get nintey points for animation! Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. Lincoln: I was going to do an Ace Savvy Game, but Chandler beat me to it, teacher says I can't do the same game as someone else's, I wanted to do an A.R.G.G.H., but another kid beat me too it, and I can't do a Muscle fish game because there is too many games out there, I don't like Lynn's suggestion for a sports game because I don't like sports that much. (To answer Lincoln's question, a three headed version of Chandler appears, he has the same body as King Ghidorah as he lands near Godzilla Lori). (She then writes his name in the disipline list, Chandler was then grumbling with his arms crossed, but in no time, she heard his grumbling and checked his name only once). Lori: That's real nice of you Linky, but I'm thinking about ordering us some Pizza together, and maybe will get cinnamon sticks for dessert. - Lola, Lana and Lincoln commented simultanously, - Finally! Check, Jeans? - I hope you've got your lesson that you shouldn't abuse me and others weaker than you. Ms. Merdich: Alright class, now it's time we talk about your homework assignment, for your homework assignment, I would like for you to animate your character, animations are not easy, it can be stressing but you'll get the hang of it, you just need to draw parts of the body of your character, paste them together on a character you designed while you can move your character in any action, whether it's walking, running, blocking, ducking, punching, kicking, swimming and other actions, you can animate as many characters as you want, but remember, the animations are worth fifty percent of your grade, you have at least seven days to make them, oh, and don't forget to color your character, that's worth twenty five percent of your grade, that will give you seven days to animate your character, and then we can move on to backgrounds, now remember, draw some parts of the body, paste them all together and then animate the action of your character, I'm counting on you. Liam: I don't know about you Lincoln, but how long is that project due? After it was time to go, Lincoln then took off his costume and went upstairs. Leni: I'm totes adored about my day when I got an A+ on my math test, I didn't know how I did it, but I think I did real hard on it. -I feel no grudge to you and you're no bully. "See don't dwell on the fact of him retiring, embrace on the good times," Lori said. Luan: Oh cool, a Kaiju fight, >impersonating Michael Buffer< LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! - Lana yelled - You tricked me and humiliated me at school! (As promised, Lincoln drew the Godzilla head in a movie accurate design, then he drew the jaw separately, when he got done, he shows it to Lori). (Lincoln was shocked as the studnet's have took some of Lincoln's ideas out of his mouth). I like that, now, study the picture carefully, and then you can draw it, simple as that. Mr. Grouse: >to audience< I think this will be a start of a new chapter for me! Lynn: >annoyed, to Lincoln< Will you please not bring up the mean/nice sister trope? (At the school bus, Lincoln was talking to his friends). Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Lynn Jr. that is enough teasing and name calling, you have one brother who looks up to you, be nice. (Lincoln then inserts the flash drive on the computer and the shortcut pops up, Lincoln double clicks on it and the game starts loading, then the Godzilla theme starts playing, and then the menu pops up offscreen they were all amazed on what Lincoln had done with oo's and aa's, the family started to comment on Lincoln's game, it laters zooms out to the Loud House where everyone was proud of Lincoln's hard work on his game, four days later, the day had finally come, Lincoln was fully prepared, he got his backpack ready, and his flashdrive in his backpack, it then cuts to the school bus where Lincoln is sitting next to Clyde, as he tells everything on how it will go). Rusty: Tell me about it, I couldn't beat him on my first try. Come, sit next to me. Maybe, you'll try to reason with him. Mr. Bolhofner: >angered, to Lincoln< YOU! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. - Because I was wrong from the start, I learned the violence only breeds more violence. I don't want you to suffer this. She quickly stood up and dashed again but Lincoln took a small sack from his bag and throwed it on floor. Posted on February 27, 2023 by laguardia airport food terminal c The stories are presented in a way that mimics the Kamishibai storytelling technique. Ms. Merdich: Tomorrow, I will give each of you a flash drive so you can create your own videogame, I'll be looking forward to seeing your game, >the bell rings< see you guys later. Lincoln: >disappointed< Well Clyde, I guess I'll be the first one in my family to not finish it in time, maybe doing a Godzilla game wasn't the best idea I've had in mind after all. (Lincoln's class got the math text books and started turning the page, Mr. Grouse turns to the audience). Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< I'm so proud of you son! Ms. Merdich: >kneels down to Lincoln's size to assure him< No worries mate, you can tell the rest of the class about it tomorrow, turn on your thinking caps and then you can tell me the next day, >gives Lincoln a Flash Driver< here you go mate. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Lincoln: >to Lynn, annoyed< Ow, Lynn, What was that for?!?! Ms. Merdich: Okie dokie class, tomorrow, I will be giving you a homework assignment for the weekend, and they are due next Friday, work hard and don't goof off now. - Don't come any closer, monster! - Sigh, almost like mud bath. "Oh hello everyone I am Lincoln loud you readers are probably wondering why . Lincoln: What have you been doing lately? Lincoln: Cinnamon sticks? Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. I beg you! - Poor burned boy. Lynn: Hey jerkwad, no throwing food, especially at my little bro, that's a ticket for you buster, >writes the ticket and pastes it on his forehead<, I've got my eyes on you >to his friends< and that goes for you chumps as well! Afterward, she was sent to live with family members in Retro City, during her five years in the city, she learned how to control her. More like Lamezilla you ask me! I thought it would be touching to see Lynn crying because her ponytail is about to get cut. (Lincoln and his classmates learned all about the history of China, all day long he kept reading his text book and started taking notes, then it goes to near the end of the school day where Ms. Merdich was finished reading a few chapters of "Hatchet", she then puts the book down). Lincoln Loud: Thanks. (Lincoln then saves his work and shuts down his laptop and went to bed, the next day, Lincoln was in class with the rest of his classmatesexcept for one, it was about 8:12 am, then Chandler comes in the classroom and Ms. Merdich wasn't happy). Ms. Merdich: >whew< Sorry I'm late class, I got caught on traffic, I should have left earlier than usual, I tell ya mates, it's not easy getting to class on time when traffic wants to beat you to it >giggles< anyway, let's start with our lessons shall we? Are you going to suffer with Mr. Bolhofner now that you don't have that same sub anymore? (Once Lincoln got his flash drive onto Ms. Merdich's computer, he then clicked on the files with each character spacifically, he tested out all of the animations, the class except Chandler looked amazed at it, after going through all of the animation sprites, all of the class except Chandler clapped real hard, Ms. Merdich was even more impressed then ever). Lynn figured out Lincoln is wearing the protector she gave to him. Can I join you? - Luna said - Now Lana. This is an AU story based on NSL. ??? Only ones who accomplish anything will be accidental witnesses, they'll accomplish your mutual lose as an amusement. (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes). Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? - Lynn commented. Hello everyone it's me, MuppetSpot. - I have an idea but I'll tell you this outside. Lincoln: Undies? Lincoln Loud: Goodnight. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, clapping her hands< Wow Lincoln, I see you did a fine job, I'm such a big sucker for Godzilla and Gamera. (Everyone raised their hands as they were all done with the next step). Lana, please, don't make same mistakes I did, don't suffer for my recklessness. Ms. Merdich: Well class, I'm impressed with most of your games, but I want to cut to the chase here, the only game I was disappointed with the most isChandler's Ace Savvy fan-made game, >to Chandler< I'm sorry mate, but that's a "D-" for you. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Alright, which one of you twerps is responsible for breaking the wind during class time? Principal Ramirez: Not quite, >to Mr. Bolhofner< Mr. Bolhofner, you are hearby suspended for the remainder of the semester until you get your act together and your problems solved. ", Lincoln groans and Mr. Bolhofner jump scared him). Ms. Merdich: >to Riley< Bonzer, that's sounds like a good idea, >points to another student< What about you young man? Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? Lincoln: Mr. Bolhofner, you can't do that! YEAH! JimmeGum - I realized that and edited in Tress MacNeille's birthday into the chapter. MBB305839 - I can use the one you sent me on the 21st and 27th. How about a game I like to call detention! - Lana approached - Doesn't matter what you watch. Zach: I guarantee that you'll be the best videogame maker. - It will be better. That was horrible! (Lincoln gulps as if he was in trouble, it then cuts to the Principal's office with all of Lincoln's classmates at the office). (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). Let's see how this one holds up. - said Lincoln with sinister smile - I assure you. (Then, the bell rings, and Lincoln was disappointed that he couldn't come up with a good title for his game). Chandler: Me and my dad worked on them, he used to design videogames at a young age. "Here's Bun Bun.". Rita: Wow, Lori must have gotten you all worked up huh? based fan game, but a few of them got the ideas already. +. Hey guys, jgodzilla1212 here, and I'm pretty excited to announce that my latest fanfiction is finally here, so far this is my first one to be done during the season five continuity and this is currently my final fanfic of 2020, but don't worry, I'll do more fanfics by the start of the new year which will give me a few new ideas to work on, it wasn't easy, but I apologize for the delay, however, if you are disappointed with the season five premiere "Schooled" then this is the fanfic that will put this episode in a bucket full of rotten chum, so enjoy your reading (I'm sorry for that long delay, I needed time to put in the right words onto this fanfic).