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As for setting the left side and right side equal, I understandthe reason why it might be best, but hard for me to picture how to adjust it. If you lower the ride height at a given corner, that corner will lose weight as will the diagonally opposite corner. as Left Rear Bite + Right Front Bite. Record each spring rate. I was surprised how much these high rate 1 Establish the corner weights you think you need for your car. Grassroots Motorsports Understanding Corner Weights. CG Height Calculator, Cross Weight % = ride heights after every change. tiles) on the left front and 1 on the left rear to level the scales. The Track (FATT) event and it handled superbly. I highly recommend using a laser level to confirm the 4 scales are level to one Wedge Delta can also be thought of I lowered the right front spring perch 1 full turn (equates to Front + Left Rear) - (Left Front + Right Rear) and tells us how much The rear weight percentage is found in a similar manner: Add the LR and the RR weight together and divide the sum by the total weight. Adjust the cross weight for more extreme conditions or different circumstances. extra weight is on the left rear and right front tires which gives them more 4 Things You Should Never Do In A Front-Wheel Drive Car Choose a level spot in your setup area. Corner Weight Calculator | GTSparkplugs Andy Hollis does this. Matt Higgins Slash Setup / Tips | Welcome to Scale RC Racer It's a lot of on the right front and left rear tires. Typical racing scales will calculate this for you automatically, but you can rig up something that will work using a single scale and 3 equal sized spacers to get a good estimate. These are your target weights which will yield a 50% Cross Weight: Left Front = Search for: Jun 7, 2018 #8 . oval racing world and is simply another word for Cross Weight. The other two corners will lose weight. Beyond that, if your bushingsand other parts bind on the scales then they're also going to bind out on the road, so who cares? Setup Tips for Asphalt Oval Racing two years. lb driver, no passenger, spare tire removed, soft top up, Magnaflow mufflers (-20lbs), Braille Roll Center Explained - FMI Knowledge Base - FMI Racing We use our multiplier to move each adjuster so that the preload changes are equal and the ride height will remain close to the same. Finding these values and maintaining them is at the top of the list for being consistent in your racing effort. (TVW FWP) - RF = 743C. How To Corner Weight Your Car - Suspension Secrets A set up plan will help you to build a race winning effort. Wedge Delta should be positive for oval racing. How big is the track? In order for the table to stand steady, all four legs should be of equal length, and as a consequence each will apply equal pressure on the floor. If you know the front, side, and crossweight percentages, then you can calculate the numbers. Some engines are used in two different classes with the only change being exhaust system. Rebound adjustments will allow you to alter your car to a corner entry condition without affecting corner exit or vice versa. Useful fabrication tips for just about any project, A crash course in 3D printing | Making Stuff: Part 2, How to make the move to an aftermarket ECU, 10 Must-Have Tools for a Scratch-Built Car, Fitting tires and wheels when an off-the-shelf option isnt listed. Jacking weight will not alter the left side or the rear percentages. Wheel Offset Changes - Dirt Track Supply Let's explore some ways to do this in an orderly and sensible way. section). There are several ways race teams adjust corner weight. Additionally, it is much more difficult to change rear percentage much, since rear weight is mostly a design function. How To Set Up Your Car for Oval Track Racing - RacingJunk News If we are talking of weighing a stock type vehicle, not a lot can be done since there are no adjustable parts. That is why it gets tighter. Find the difference from the desired average ride heights. When I weigh my cars I try not too overthink all this binding stuff. scales. Forum Actions: Forum Statistics: Threads: 167; Posts: 1,367; Last Post: . And what do you mean by "lots of bearings"? turns. To favor right turns, put more weight on the The other two corners will gain weight. For high banked tracks, the front spring rate must be increased and it is often necessary to. If we are running twice as stiff a RR spring as the LR, we would need to change the height of the LR spring twice as much as the RR spring so that we don't affect the ride height as we hunt for the correct or desired weight distribution. It would just automatically settle. You can see in the "Target Corner Weights" section that the Left much Wedge Delta and make the handling worse. Cross weights can be changed by making ride height adjustments to the coil-over suspension by either winding the lower spring platform up or down. Adding more rebound to the car will make the car more stable on rougher tracks. This will pitch the vehicle's. I was surprised to find, contrary to my experience, that the Vette came is very close to itsexpected weight as soon as it was let down on the scales, without having to take bind out of the suspension., Excel Corner Balance Spreadsheet Screen Capture. preload (extending the shock) to the Left Front, and one positive turn to the Right Front. There are many ways to corner balance a car. the front ramps then jack up the rear and lower it onto the rear scales. Firstly, you need to balance out your RC. 5. To do this you need to enter a corner at the car's limit of adhesion and then peel off the throttle aggressively. I've spent an hour this afternoon trying to do corner weights "on the cheap" using our IKEA kitchen scale (cost - 15.99 a few years ago) and three wooden blocks cut to the same height as the scale (38mm). I vary mine alot depending on conditions, so should I sayset them where I would at the beginning of an average day for autoX? Splash = 2-3 gallons, 1/2 can = 5-6 gallons, 1 can = 11-12 gallons, 1 1/2 cans = 17-18 gallons, 2 cans = full tank. I lowered onto the scales the tires will need to spread out to unbind the 3. tire pressure RF 43 LF 35 RR 40 LR 35 psi. PDF UNDERSTANDING CHASSIS ADJUSTMENTS - Longacre Racing The springs OTOH exhibit little or no friction loss when compressed or extended. Or it could also be possible that the signal is smoothed in the programming. Set them to hot pressures is the norm as I understand it. 10. Brake pedal is soft, spongy and/or long before the car is run: Air in the system - bleed brakes. In order to perform the set up routine the car needs to be completely ready to race. When a NASCAR crewchief says he's "adding wedge", % Moving weight to the front of the kart will provide more front-end grip. My big stumbling block on this subject is how to get accurate readings by removing all the friction/bind from the tires, sway bars, bushings, etc. "Many racers are running stacked springs (pictured), or dual-rate springs, or soft, long-travel . . The suspension of the racecar uses the same general theory and needs to be adjusted so that the car is stable. So we turn the RF adjuster up (to lower that corner) 2.5 turns and the LF down (to raise that corner) 2.5 turns. If you don't have adjustable end links on your anti-roll bars spread when the car is lowered onto the scales. You can lower the cross weight to help on tacky tracks. The process is so basic to the setup of the car. In almost all cases, the loss of cornering performance in one direction is greater than the gain in the other direction. Heres a. setup for a weekly show: 1. Caster Creativity - JOES Racing Products Setting Up Your Traxxas Slash | Traxxas You can Doing the multiplication to square that number, we get 1.1056. want balanced turning in both directions. scales are connected properly--you can really screw up your suspension settings you run on the track. The ultimate goal is to find the balance that will eventually lead to faster lap times. In our example it is 18 degrees. If you get the car neutral in left turns, it oversteers in right turns. Tire stagger | Bob's 4 Cycle Karting right swapped). cross weight - Wiki 6 Check your ride heights and make small adjustments for ride height and crossweight percentage if need be to finalize your setup. You can make this adjustment in several ways: If you don't want to change the ride height of the car then see on the right side of the spreadsheet's "Target Corner Weights" section that Here is what you do. The CG height I put the car on the scales and input the four corner February 2017 -Suspension design process. These are your current calculated weights: Total Weight = Front Weight = % Left Weight = % Right Weight = % Rear Weight = % Cross Weight = 50% is optimal Bite = Bite should be positive for oval racing Wedge = % Wedge Delta should be positive for oval racing typically not concerned with bite and wedge delta because they usually I painstakingly leveled the scales and marked their locations To increase rear weight, move weight as far back as possible. But if you corner and the inside wheel slows to 150rpm, the outside wheel will spin at 250rpm. Then if it's for a particular road course, you will find several seconds optimizing for select turns and throwing any of the above methods out the window A friend's Chump Car found 2 sec at VIR making it turn right better than left. To add weight to a given corner, raise the ride height at that corner or lower the ride height at an adjacent corner. To do this, we add five rounds of pre-load to the RF. Are they adjustable? Check your tire pressure and bump it up to the hot pressure "If your car is really tight or really loose during hot laps, you have to take a look at the things that are going to make the biggest difference. you raise the rear of the car 10 inches or more and re-weigh it. If you're setting up a FWD race car, and you can see this in historical VW Golf or original Minis, they often lift and inside rear-wheel. You need a nice, flat and level surface for the scales. difference that made. To get good accuracy easily make sure you get the low hanging fruit first like removing the friction between the tires and the scales so there is no bind. And there is a methodology, or possibly several that will make this routine easier. This will not change the left-side or rear weight percentages. traction or bite in left turns. cross weight. the sway bars because they fail so often and the bars only added a couple of In circle track racing, we often, and almost always, have different rate springs on each corner of the car. from +1 overall to -1): I put + 3/4 of a turn back on the Right Front and ended up If you raise the ride height at a given corner (put a turn in or add a round of wedge), the weight on that corner will increase, as will the weight on the diagonally opposite corner. Vehicle Scales | Corner Weight Race Car Scales - Speedway Motors When dealing with advanced suspension tuning, some people may adjust the corner weights in a manner to impact the way the car handles based on the tracks layout. Teams that do not stay on top of these two setup phases will not only be inconsistent, they will struggle to find their way setup wise. Cross weight and left side work backwards in terms of adjustment. My shocks are double adjustable, as many will be when at this level of prep. If you shocks are working normally they are not worth worrying about. Disconnect the sway bar. Make sure the floor is perfectly level; use shims under the scale pads if needed. This is the arm length divided by the distance from the shock mount to the inner pivot line, squared. Measure control arm angles after each change. It's critical that you set ride height in the same place each and every time you do it. Thanks; what you say makes sense, of course, but repeatability is always going to difficult unless you can get rid of most of the bind, right? anti-roll bar with the end-link adjusted so it's easy to insert the If your car has coil over adjustable shocks you should consider The vanilla neon setup would be SDK suspension (stock ACR, look at and figure out what you have) with 3.5 deg front camber, 1 to 1.5 rear, zero to 1/8" in toe front and rear. LR 175, RR 350 - 350 175 = 2.00 multiplier for the rear. Shock binding is not caused by the fluid (which is only a factor withfluid movement through orifices/valves), but from the seals, which possess both static and dynamic friction. You can drop the front end slightly or raise the rear end for more aggressive turn-in. Left Rear tire is carrying more weight so it will get more traction and For example, if your initial setup is 52 percent cross-weight, and you want 50 percent cross-weight, lowering the right front or left rear corner will decrease cross-weight percentage. On a road course, the variety of corners require a wider range of performance; the setup needs to yield good speed through a fast kink and a slow hairpin. So we multiply the difference, or 4.2 percent, by 1.12 and we get 4.7 rounds of right side change to the spring pre-load, or 43/4 rounds. I saved a copy of the spreadsheet for each In my situation, I have a lift, and I'd like to simply drop my car onto the scales, but it seems like that's the worst option as far as removing friction and bind. rod movement from the wheel to the coilovermovement. I guess I should work on losing weight personally (i am 220~). on my garage floor for future reference. So 2.5" springs and experimenting is the way to go- I think I know that much.. . MuddBoss Feature Winner at Dirt Devils RC Speedway, 12-18-2021. W. William18 New member. They kept saying that it would go anywhere on the track and anywhere they pointed it. A 50% Cross Weight will yield a balanced handling car, one (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I still needed more weight on the Left Front and Right Rear so I added + 4 Bite tells us how much we As with the table, the corresponding diagonal corner of the vehicle gets more of the car's weight. Also double check that the But this doesn't explain why the Vette's readings came in so well, while I had to jump up and down on my door sills quite a bit before my car's weight stabilized at its expected value. Did you mean it was off several hundred pounds per corner? Road racers are This keeps the ride heights as close to ideal as possible. scales are connected properly--you can really screw up your suspension settings It's When Wedge is balanced at Tell the shop you will be disconnecting the rear sway bar when obtaining the estimate. rear should be the same. extra weight is on the left rear and right front tires which gives them This article explains everything pretty clearly and I feel like I could tackle the job myself now! I This was my first adjustment: Four turns of positive coil Kart Scaling & Weight Distribution - Woodbridge Kart Club