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Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Copies of the muster rolls are available at (1). The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The following articles will help you research your family in the United States. The muster rolls contain the names of officers and enlisted men, rank, date of enlistment/reenlistment, and date of transfer to or from another duty station including detached service.33 The muster rolls for this time period have been reproduced as part of National Archives Microfilm Publication T977, U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1893-1958 . U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947. Updates: Neither report has been accessioned into the custody of the National Archives. Taken from Neagles, James C., in U.S. Military Records: A Guide to Federal and State Sources, (Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry, 1994). Citing NARA microfilm publication T1118. Retained Copies of Muster Rolls, ca. These collections may have additional materials to help you with your research. Images for the following rolls from T977,1893-1940 are not available in this publication. PACIFIC: Reinforcements were sent to Midway and the Aleutians to repulse an expected Japanese invasion. For each Marine, the muster roll also gives the date of enlistment or reenlistment and there may also be notes in the comments column. Images for the following rolls from T977,1893-1940 are not available in this publication. Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Other Naval Activities, 1/1/1949 - 12/31/1971, Personnel Diaries and Muster Rolls, 1/1/1972 - 1/31/1983. Rosters for units serving in World War II from 1944 - 1946 were destroyed in accordance with Army disposition authorities. Although the 1973 fire at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO, did not destroy Marine Corps records, knowing the date of enlistment can help when requesting copies of the records from the National Archives at St. Louis. Matthew Abbott, who enlisted on October 28, 1914, is listed on 95 muster rolls ending when he went on furlough from May 1-6, 1924, from the Barracks Detachment, Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Philadelphia. The extant books for each organization vary. SIDPERS was discontinued on November 21, 1990. The original muster rolls are held by the National Archives and Records Administration, archive reference T1118. Instead, you may wish to check with your local public or university library as these institutions often provide free access to You should also look for nicknames and abbreviated names, Try alternative search methods such as only filling in the surname search box (or the given name search box) on the landing page leaving the other box empty and then click on search. NAID 655645 Regimental and Company Books of Mexican War Volunteer Organizations, 1846 - 1848. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1917 (Record Group 94) - This series consists of order books, descriptive books, registers of letters received, letters sent books, and morning reports for volunteer regiments and companies that served in the Mexican War. For more information, see Access to Morning Reports and Unit Rosters and Morning Reports - NPRC Veterans Service Officer (VSO). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. Information contained in . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Authority for detached service and other absences are often noted. Microfilm Publication: T1118. This page has been viewed 18,021 times (3,115 via redirect). Muster rolls/Personnel Diaries from 1984 onward utilize social security numbers as service numbers and are subject to privacy restrictions. Phone: (202) 357-5400 Colored Troops, deserters, detachments, and the Hospital Corps. Each activity's muster rolls are arranged in chronological order by quarter, typically with enlisted personnel arranged by rate and thereunder alphabetically by surname. The rest of the rolls primarily postdate 1900 and are for clerks, messengers, engineers, and other staff. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations During the Civil War, Mexican War, Creek War, Cherokee Removal, and Other Wars, 1836 - 1866. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains muster rolls, returns, and regimental papers for Volunteer organizations participating in the Civil War, Mexican War, Creek War, and Cherokee Removal. For more information about the non-digitized records, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) via email at. Information for completing muster rolls is set out from page 229. This database is an indexed collection of the draft cards from the Fourth Registration. Microfilm Publication T977, 460 rolls. What is the purpose of non-series Shimano components? These provide a listing of anyone who reported on-board each day, anyone who left, anyone who did not report, and anyone who reenlisted. Copies of the muster rolls are available at (1). Rolls for personnel on board ships were referred to either as crew lists or muster rolls. This database contains the names of approximately 6.3 million soldiers who served in the American Civil War. Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. Usually these refer to a company, but they often refer to a regiment, a special detachment, or a band. If the USN rolls are anything like the USMC rolls then they are pretty comprehensive. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, Provided in association with National Archives and Records Administration. Viewed 60 times 2 Reviewing my Great Uncles death in WW1, I see the term "24 trans to S.O.S" in his Company Muster Roll. The muster is then organized by rank and name of the Marine in alphabetical order. Quantico, VA 22134-5030 Information that may be found for an individual includes: name, place of residence, date and place of birth, race, country of citizenship, occupation, and employer. : The browse collection for the two publications are arranged by roll number. It also includes information about TDY, AWOL, DEF, gains, losses, promotions, reductions. Additionally, another report, Average Strength Data Report, Reports Control Symbol (RCS) AF-P185 was also required. Because of this there may be limitations on where and how images and indexes are available or who can see them. Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used. WWIs Influence on
To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. There is also a list of approved abbreviations, "for use in muster rolls and other Marine Corps forms", beginning on page 24. As seen in the column headings on the images of the original records, muster rolls generally include the space to record the following details: name, station, rank, enlistment date, re-enlistment date, desertion or apprehension date, and offense and court-martial sentence. Notes regarding promotions, transfers, physical description, etc. This collection is of muster rolls from the United States Marine Corps, spanning the late 1700s to the end of the nineteenth century. This database contains an index and images of World War I draft registration cards completed by approximately 24 million men living in the U.S. in 1917 and 1918. This collection consists of an index and images of muster rolls of the United States Marine Corps located at the National Archives., FamilySearch Historical Records Published Collections, United States FamilySearch Historical Records, FamilySearch Historical Records Browse Collection, FamilySearch Historical Records Image Visibility Notice. Genealogy & Family History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history. He served in the 6th Marine Regiment attached to the US Army 2nd Infantry Division, Third Battalion . (OpHist, v. 1, p. Research and reproduction fees are charged for this service. FamilySearch. Personnel diaries, which precede each quarter's muster rolls, are arranged chronologically by date. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof, Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. National Archives at College Park (NWCTM) The records are arranged chronologically by month, then by post, station or ship, and are part of Record Group 127 Records of the U.S. Marine Corps The muster rolls are from two National Archive microfilm publications, T1118 (1798-1892, 123 rolls) and T977 (1893-1940, 460 rolls). Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933, Record source (Muster Rolls of the United States Marine Corps, 1798-1892). This should return a list of everyone with that particular name. College Park, MD 20740-6001 Also included are volunteer descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing. Muster Rolls, Rosters, Morning Reports, and Personnel Diaries, For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at Washington, DC - Textual Reference (RDT1) at, Revolutionary War Rolls (documents 1775 - 1783), in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records (Record Group 93), indexed by the, Muster Rolls of Regular Army Organizations, 1784 - 10/31/1912, in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94), Muster Rolls of Volunteer Organizations During the War with Northwest Indians, 1790 - 1795. in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 94) - This series contains muster rolls for volunteer organizations which had service in the Indian War on the Northwestern frontier commonly called "Wayne's War," including rolls for organizations from Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Territory South of the Ohio, together with those of the United States Levies, Rangers, and Scouts and Spies. What can I assume from consecutive regimental numbers? The National Archives has custody of U.S. Navy deck logs and U.S. Navy muster rolls/personnel diaries for the Vietnam conflict. How would you handle a census record that is almost certainly the target family but which has too many discrepancies? NAID 546, Muster Rolls of the United States Marine Corps, 1798-1892, Muster Rolls of Officers and Enlisted Men of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1893-1940, United States Research Tips and Strategies, United States Enlistment and Discharge Records, Beginning Research in United States Military Records, Library of the Marine Corps Research Portal, Official Military Personnel Files, RG 127 Records of the US Marine Corps, Continental Marines,1775-1798 Administrative History Note, United States Marine Corps in the World War, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths Overseas World War I, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths in the U.S. & Possessions Apr 6, 1917- Nov 11, 1918 World War I, Officers & Enlisted Men of the US Marine Corps Deaths (Except Overseas Deaths) Nov 12, 1918-Nov 17, 1921, National Archives and Records Administration, Carded Medical Records of the Marine Corps, 1821-1884.