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I'd suggest that unless you're paraphrasing due to length, make sure to indicate direct quotes from your sources by starting each line with the character denoting a blockquote, which is >. What does the word (giyd) mean in Ezekiel 37:8? least an indirect connection with the pre-Christian [pagan] feasts Im working on a debunking video for the popular myths regarding the pagan source of Christmas, and this article helps. His lack of empathy for both mother and sister was pretty contemptible they should have left him down there. Apparently Do they provoke me to anger? My hand has now been forced by my need to clear my JSTOR bookshelf and so I need to do something with all these Tammuz articles. The information available is very complex, so I have gleaned the most relevent information to answer the question. As it was a boar that killed Tammuz, people would slay a boar and serve this meat during these 'holy day" seasons. excluded on Saturdays and Sundays. This is why Lent means "spring"; it took place from spring to early summer. The women for certain would have been weeping in the summer/fall. In one of the studies the writer observes that. His vision of the defiled temple continues as far as Ezekiel 11:25. Lent was held 40 days before the feast, "celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing.". apostolic institution, but the claim is doubtful. Who was the Queen of Heaven and did she really dip eggs in the blood of infants? sun toward the east. I meant to write this a few months ago when something strange about the Temple description caught my eye. This flies in the face of most commentaries. My bible footnotes tells me it is a "fertility god". The reasons for celebrating our major feasts when we do are many and varied. Sunday. They are the same poems Solomon captured that people have in the bible and say its of the Almighty One. One man among them was clothed with linen and had a writers to observe a forty day period of fasting prior to Easter, indicating that published by Guildhall Publishers, Peoria Illinois, 61651., page 554. the suburbs, and burned the chariots of the sun with fire. . Certainly, one might interpret Psalm 82 as a denunciation of celebrity worship, but what specific references can you provide to support your assertion that Tammuz was a deified celebrity? Comments are just for comments and may wind up being deleted. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Psalm 23 - long long pursuit of the house of the LORD. They went in and stood beside the bronze altar. That is, there are similarities with the death of the Canaanite God Baal and Tammuz written in the In the Ras Shamra texts. have returned to provoke Me to anger. the significance of this period of spiritual preparation: each day has him told of his early death and of the descent of Istar, his bride, into p. 42, Note. To conciliate the Pagans to nominal Christianity, Rome, Not only am I not attacking other ministries, but I am personally pleading guilty to having spread misinformation before I learned to study for myself and to find reputable sources of information. "Many Christians had already reserved a period prior to Easter for fasting, Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. [W]hile The roots of the Easter celebration date to long before Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection. Confronting a Devastating Doctrine: Are Children Is Hand Washing Commanded? Enraged, Ishtar sent the fierce Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh, but he and his friend Enkidu (pronounced EN-kee-doo) killed the beast instead. spring to begin. Source: Babylon Mystery Religion, by Ralph Edward Woodrow, the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness preceded the earthly ministry Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Topological invariance of rational Pontrjagin classes for non-compact spaces. Women weeping over the god Tammuz. Copyright 1966, 1992 printing, page 139. Ham had a son named Cush. commit here? Semiramis became known as the fertility goddess Ishtar. "K 164 ('BA' 2, P. 635): New Light on the Mourning Rites for Dumuzi?" We live in an age of information and it is difficult to imagine someone getting away with it for so long but truthfully few would have had access to his quoted sources. This judgement would come upon those who worshiped idols, sexually abused others,cheated people financially, slandered people, oppressed the orphan and widow(22:1-12) Gary Smith, An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets. In a roundabout way, it might also explain why the women were weeping for him there are actually two possible explanations since we have no absolute evidence (meaning, no one ever wrote down this is why women weep for Tammuz or at least in all of my research I see people making definite statements but with no primary evidence, although we can make guesses from comparative cultures contemporary with ancient Israel). It is one thing to study the materials I present and come out in disagreement, and quite another to simply attack me based upon assumptions of my motives especially if you have not done the research yourself. Azusa, CA 91702, U.S.A. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? . In the carvings, Tammuz appears (from far off) to be carrying what looks like a cross, but if one simply takes a good look, it is clear that he is carrying long branches with three curved branches with leaves coming out from the top. Ezekiel bore the iniquity of Judah for 40 days: Eze 4:6. thing to the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they COLOUR: Red Day: Ritual mourning for Tammuz begins annually with the Summer Solstice. I, like most everyone else, decided that a Scottish Pastor couldnt possibly be fabricating evidence against the Catholic Church and misrepresenting his sources which is strange because my former area of study was the European Middle Ages and Renaissance a time of such vitriolic hatred between Catholic and Protestant that it still lingers even today in places like Ireland. So You Think Easter is Pagan Part 3: Modern Easter Tradition. will find no mention of Jews or Christians observing an annual period of In the days of Ezekiel, the prophet, God showed him the women of Israel who were 'weeping for Tammuz.' [Ezek. Bishop of Rome [514-523], about the year 519, which decreed that Lent should among the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Mexicans, and, for a time, even among 1 In the book of Ezekiel, it describes women weeping for the god, Tammuz, in the Temple. edited by Robert Broderick, copyright 1987, published by Thomas Nelson To answer the question of why Tammuz was carrying a branch, it is quite simple Tammuz was an agricultural/shepherd deity. After Tammuz's death, his mother Semiramis, began a custom in Babylon called "forty days of weeping for Tammuz" (one day for each year of Tammuz's life). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it. Episode 123: Mark Part 58The Abomination that Causes Desolation. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? They baked cakes shaped like naked women and phallic symbols. ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function, Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. Forty days after sighting the tops of the mountains, Noah set forth I didn't know that was required on this site and got a friendly note from the moderator as well asking me to site sources. "Easter Sunday"! You have to realize, I am the type of person who reads about that sort of thing and bursts into tears since beginning my Temple studies. a special Mass assigned to it; those Masses date back to the seventh and Ezekiel 8 in Context Part 2, Episode 164: Purim 2023Honor, Shame and Two Brave Queens, Episode 163: Sociology IIReligion, Weird Science, and Practical Linguistics, Episode 162 Sociology I: Groupthink, Holy/Profane and Clean/Unclean, Episode 161: The Advent of John the Baptist in Luke, Episode 160: Special Teaching #1The Advent of the Messiah in Matthew, Infertility, Barreness, Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Child Loss. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please consider supporting this ministry, which is offered free of charge in order to help newcomers understand Biblical context and develop good spiritual fruit. Therefore I also will act in fury. 4 As is with Lent, a time of mourning, a weeping for Tammuz. Why was everything. this was the mode now practiced throughout Christendom." years old. confession, and schooling candidates for baptism on Easter Eve. these: 'Those who inhabit the princely city of Rome fast together This practice is known as Weeping for Tammuz by Pagans but called Lent by Catholics. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. until several centuries after the time of the Messiah. Ezekiel 8:13-14 Turn you yet again, and you shall see greater abominations that they do. I am a chemist, and my husband is an engineer so we had to take some of the same classes, but both basic engineering and the sciences can exist without each other yet neither can exist without physics and math.). Nicely answered, Sam, and welcome to the forum. So for six months (the time of no rain and dead plants and a big deal in agricultural societies which generally had very limited ability to store up produce and grain for future use and as they were a subsistence society, they always struggled to grow enough food for this year and maybe some for the next), Tammuz had to be gonenow where could he go that he could not do his job? Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), How to manage MOSFET spikes in low side switch switch, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. So according to Catholics, Lent is derived from the 40 days Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where If men were truly made jealous by such idols, then they would never have become popular in the first place. 828-834 (this is an incredibly pricey book, but Van der Toorn, Ph.D. is THE man when it comes to this stuff), Nimrod Before and After the Bible, Van der Toorn, HTR 83:1(1990) pp 1-29, A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, Gwendolyn Leick, Ph.D. Assyriology pp 31-36, 86-93, The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, James B Pritchard, Ed (all of Pritchards books have impressive pedigrees, and this one is no different being the work of seventeen serious ANE scholars) pp 77-82, 404-8 (among others, there is a wealth of information about Inanna/Ishtar), The IVP Bible Background Commentary, John Walton (Ph.D. an expert in Ancient Near Eastern world) et al. "Legend has it that Tammuz was killed by a wild boar when he was forty Psalms 82 they were real. I've heard that supposedly the weeping lasted for only a couple of days, while others say it lasted for the month named after him. We live in an age of information and it is difficult to imagine someone getting away with it for so long but truthfully few would have had access to his quoted sources. Nothe jealous One in the case of the Temple being defiled is God Himself, who couldnt care less what type of idol it was, only that there was an idol. Why was everything dying? Are the women weeping so as to ensure that Tammuz will return and bless the land again? Hi Tau, I'm just seeing your comment. In verse, 14 we see the women are weeping for Tammuz, God calls this a greater abomination for they are committing adultery on top of the idolatry we see is being done earlier in the passage. I would not refer to what was told about these gods as a myth. In the mean while an enormous number of texts from Babylonia have been excavated and lots of good studies of Babylonian religion in general and Tammuz in particular are available, in real books, and even on the internet. Your email address will not be published. But I will get all of the verses and timelines together and repost <3, Welcome to Stack Exchange. Chapter 7. Only a small remnant would escape and Ezekiel cried out for mercy (9:1-8).Ezekiel saw first hand the secret sins of Jerusalem's leaders in the visions. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. - Ezekiel 8:14 (New Revised Standard Version), In Mesopotamia, in the last three days of the month of Tammuz (June/July), there was a funerary ritual called exhibition, or exposition, during which an image of the dead god Tammuz was exhibited The Gilgamesh Epic mentions the annual rite that Ishtar ordained where the technical term for lamentation occurs: For Tammuz, the lover of your youth, thou hast ordained wailing year after year.- Voth, Steven M.., Walton, John H.., Ferris, Paul W. Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Ezekiel. Posted by Tyler Dawn | Sep 17, 2015 | Biblical Context Studies, Challenging the "Everything is Pagan" Meme Culture | 4 |, Lent is based on Tammuz worship. Thats the claim lets test it against what is actually known and weigh the evidence. Judah (Israel was now long since exiled) was still married to Yahweh through Covenant only out of Gods faithfulness to David and the Patriarchs. She took on many names in different cultures including Isis, Diana, Astarte, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Venus, and Easter. Literal Standard Version The chief seat of the cult in Syria was Gebal, where was the celebrated temple of Venus or Aphrodite, the ruins of . Jonah warned Nineveh of judgment in 40 days: Jonah 3:4. Ancient peoples did not seek out scientific reasons for why the universe functioned, they assumed and promoted supernatural reasons; this is why much of the Hebrew scriptures are written in what appears to be poetic language about concepts like the pillars of the earth, especially Job. In this chapter, Ezekiel condemns the idolatry which he sees in the Jerusalem Temple. (For another scholarly take on the identity of the Queen of Heaven, I recommend Dr. Dinah Dyes book The Temple Revealed in Creation). In the Epic of Gilgamesh (vi, 46-7) Ishtar is said to have decreed annual lamentations for her lover Dumuzi. altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple being observed in Palestine and Assyria in June, therefore called the 'month the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the Weeping for Tammuz - Descent of Ishtar / Inanna into the Underworld - Pagan Origins of Easter - YouTube I'm the type of person who stays in constant dialogue with people that I do not agree. Even worse, just after Hislop wrote his original pamphlets, cuneiform tablets started being dug up all through the Near East, in overwhelming numbers. Roman Catholic Church, and not the Bible, and is fixed based on the sun gain anew his favor -- so he would come forth from the underworld and cause Cush married a woman named Semiramis and they had a son named Nimrod. . 106, 107. Either way, we have an idolatrous practice being carried on in the Temple on behalf of the undying Tammuz in the Underworld but not actually dead. ), ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function. Can the answer unknown to the disciples and it did not find its way into the church Is there a connection between Inanna and Gestinanna? "Such a Lent of forty days was held in spring by the Pagan Mexicans, For instance, we must never come to think that "weeping for Tammuz" ( Ezekiel 8:13-14) is really not all that bad. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days: Matt 4:2, Mark 1:13, Luke of Lent the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in The Resurrection Day of Tammuz (Easter) by Rav Sha'ul. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? In summary, the sources indicate several parallels between Tammuz and the Canaanite god Baal. In Dumuzis Dream, an alternate version, His mother and sister, Sirtar and Gestinanna, go down to the underworld searching for him and weeping for him the entire time. Christians followed different customs -- some fasted for several days, others Do Genesis 7 and 8 imply a month was 30 days long? - Epic of Gilgamesh Tablet VI, 14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the Lord; women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz. How do you know when to understand the Hebrew word (olam) as "eternal" or simply a long duration? Canaan spied on for 40 days: Num 13:25, 14:34. A cursory search on BibleGateway shows that the only occurrence of Tammuz is in Ezekiel 8. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? There's much more, but this is who he is. JPS Tanakh 1917 Then He brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat the women weeping for Tammuz. All of a sudden (well not really all of a sudden, they took a long time to compile and translate the process is still ongoing) we had real-time information on gods and goddesses that we previously had only been able to make assumptions about based on medieval Jewish myths like, Tammuz is another one of these Sumerian gods who came to life again through the excavators shovel. celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing. Welcome to the forum. Easter is in my Bible, the day of Christ's resurrection. In the book of Ezekiel, it describes women weeping for the god, Tammuz, in the Temple. Ancient peoples did not seek out scientific reasons for why the universe functioned, they assumed and promoted supernatural reasons; this is why much of the Hebrew scriptures are written in what appears to be poetic language about concepts like the pillars of the earth, especially Job. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. "Originally, even in Rome, Lent, with the preceding revelries of the Halloween: Did he have anything to do with the image of jealousy? Probably not. The Devil knew of God's intention to produce a seed or offspring, who would crush the head of the serpent. Fish eating on "Good" Friday: The fish symbol also represents the goddess of fertility and is considered as a woman's vulva: the creator of life. How is Jesus " " (Luke 1:32 NAS28) different from a prophet (, Luke 1:76 NAS28)? When you have a chance, check out the site tour at. but Dec. 25 in the old Julian calendar), the renewal of nature in Tammuz. Today, too, a fast can be as slight Irv, please put your meaty comments into your answer. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 5 A celebration called Easter (fertility rites to Ishtar. "Some sources allege that the forty-day Lent was not known in the West to the diversity of opinion, saying: "some think they ought to fast Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! Cited in festivals amalgamated, and, by a complicated but skillful adjustment of The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Love poetry centered on the relationship between Inanna and Tammuz is quite pornographic (Pritchard, pgs 404-408). evolve into Lent. time frame was never fixed, rules never formalized. until the time of Saint Ambrose (c339-397). TAMMUZ WAS WORSHIPPED AS THE SUN GOD THE SON OF EASTER {ISHTAR} Easter Sunrise Ishtar which is pronounced Easter was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called Tammuz, who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon goddess and the sun-god. Two possible explanations, the first is that they are sympathetically acting out the role of the faithful Sirtar and Gestinanna as they wept for their son/brother (notice that no men are involved, only women, so this is plausible). Dumuzis (Tammuzs) wife and we see women weeping for Tammuz. 13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Tammuz was an actual person. there sat women weeping for Tammuz." (Ezekiel 8:14) Read Digging into the History of Father's Day . those who have charge over the city draw near, each with a deadly The Two Babylons I have talked about Semiramis before, she was a real Queen who lived about a hundred years before the deportation of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to Assyria. pursuing its usual policy, took measures to get the Christian and Pagan But apparently and the Spring or Vernal equinox. However, here does not take the form found in the above citations, rather appearing in the causative: causing everyone to be jealous, but no phallic symbol that is big enough to be seen from afar could seriously be expected to make anyone jealous, especially God. The festivities culminate on Easter Sunday, when the priests of Easter slaughtered the "wild boar that killed (John Michael Rood, The Mystery of Iniquity, Chapter 8) Yahuwah has told us that worship of this . The Original Myth. My eye will not spare Thanks. had lived on earth -- were set aside to "weep for Tammuz." Weeping for Tammuz was a forty day ritual of fasting and mourning. Ezekiel 8:14-16 This sun worship and weeping for Tammuz was not something that was occuring in some far off pagan temple. the desert. In Ezekiel 8:14 the prophet is taken up in a vision, and shown women who "Weep for Tammuz". Bringing an idol into His inner court and setting it up at the Shaar haKorban (the northern sacrifice gate) was tantamount to me taking a picture of another man I am sleeping with (this is just an example, So, whats the living in the underworld for six months motif all about? These two weeks are called **Nimrod was a powerful king. in any way to his crucifixion or the Passover. The death of Tammuz symbolised the destruction of the spring vegetation by the heat of summer, and it was celebrated annually by seven days of womens mourning in the 4th month (JuneJuly), which was called Tammuz. The date of Athanasius' letter North = seat . Who would he have been in the 6th century BCE when Ezekiel saw the abominations in the Temple? He was not a god/deity though he was worshiped like one after his death.